10 ProductManagementJournalVolume 7 reviewhowthingswent,whethertheforecastsforworkcompletion wereaccurateandtoidentifyanyotherissues.Thisisusedto improve performancein futuresprints. The product owner and Scrum Aproductmanagerisoftenassignedtheroleofproductownerand sointherestofthisarticlewedescribetheimpactofScrumonthe productowner. Akeyrolefortheproductowneristopresenttheprioritiesforeach sprint.Thisisdonebyconstantlymanagingtheproductbacklogand prioritisingbasedoncustomerinsightanddevelopmentestimates. ANALYSIS Fig.5Theproductowner andScrum Development Sprint 1 Development Sprint 2 Development Sprint ‘n’ Optional product release sprint Product development approved to start Product released to market Sprint planning meeting Product owner presents priority items. Team estimate work efforts. Finalise agreed priorities for sprint. What happens in this phase So what ? (for the product owner) Every day Daily scrum meetings Review yesterday and plan today. Highlight impediments to progress. Daily work Development and test. Clarify requirements. Track progress on ‘burndown chart’. Release sprint Development and test as final impediments removed. End-to-end testing and integration tests. Performance and resilience tests. Product owner needs to bring product requirements prioritised by business value, written as user stories, to the level of detail where they can be estimated and with a clear criteria for accepting them as ‘done’. Estimates and additional details added during the sprint planning meeting can result in changed priorities. Product development phases Should attend daily Scrum meetings. May support Scrum Master clearing impediments to progress. Should track progress. Should be available to clarify questions on requirements. Sign-off work as ‘done’ with incomplete work going into next sprint if still a priority. Sign-off work as ‘done’ and prepare for the launch of the release.